Jumat, 29 Juli 2016


Let’s face it; adulthood sucks.
I don’t know how most people can cope with all the shit things happen in their lives once they turn twenty something. But for me, it’s getting hard. Graduating high school, going to college, getting a higher education and title, finding a job, making money, getting married, having kids, getting old, and then bam, you die. What an odd kind of way to live life, right? The same old boring routine, same old boring life path.
And it’s true, I have my own insecurities about life. And we all need to fight back those insecurities even though they somehow could scare us in one phase of life. And in this case, growing up scares me.
I don’t know why, but growing up somehow makes me scared because all the problems I’m gonna cope soon is gonna be a lot. And it scares the hell out of me to picture myself getting my college degree one day but end up working in something I don’t love in life. What if I end up being an accountant instead of that girl changing people’s perspectives of our beloved earth? What if I end up getting married and being told by my husband that I should quit my job? What if I end up not knowing if what I’m doing with my life is really something I want? What if, just what if, one day around fifty, I’m gonna be there sitting my bench regretting this whole life I’ve been living? True, it’s scary. And true, we gotta need a lot of positive stuff to take in from friends and such.
And tonight, I’m just gonna go straight to my point and thank one of those beloved friends of mine who amazingly succeed to remind me that life is something we gotta live and that dream is something we gotta reach and that adulthood is nothing as scary as it seems.
So yes, here’s to those who’ve been scared of growing up.
Tackling Gerascophobia (Intense Fear of Adulthood)
This is something I intended to write for a close friend of mine, who fears adulthood. @tata
Don't we all do, in our own ways?
It's because human beings tend to adhere to simplicity. I am not saying that teenagehood is easy- it is very tough for some (including me myself), but adulthood is on another whole level, even more complex, as if hundreds of tangled webs.
We all love the ignorance of youth, the vagueness of teenage dreams. The innocence of "kids" our age, laughing at jokes that leave adults with a big, red question mark clouding over their heads. Wanting to be a doctor just because it is cool and it assures prosperous life, without knowing all the dangers and responsibilities that come along with the profession.
We can't fathom ever shifting from a stage we've held dear all this time, and fears of reaching adulthood - more often that not- come to haunt us.
Adults work, pay for their own expenses, buy their own dwellings, and for those who choose to have a family, nurture their children until they're old enough to take care of themselves. They don't sound really attractive, indeed, especially if you've ever sat down and looked through your parents' dulled eyes; eyes that have witnessed the ugliness of adult responsibilities for many years.
But come to think of it, is there anything we can do about it? Growing old is inevitable, unless death comes across your path earlier. Locking yourself in your bedroom and repetitively moaning about it won't freeze time. It won't prolong your age, either. If anything, it wastes your time that can be used to cherish the remainder of your precious teenagehood.
We will all eventually face adulthood. And instead of excessively fearing it, why don't we start appreciating how wonderful it will be, having your future in the grip of your very own hands?
For instance, you're a student majoring in law at X University now. The fog that has always covered the path you're going to walk down has now lifted. You're on the verge of leaving teenagehood, hundreds closers to what we call 'goals', instead of mere hopes and dreams.You don't hesitate to write them down and publicize your goal anymore. "Future Lawyer", it looks so nice on your status and the wall of your room since no one sees it as unimaginable thing anymore. They will start to recognize you, and your voices will be heard louder; things that were scarce during your teenagehood.
And lastly, as the sayings go, everything comes with a price. We have to work even harder to achieve our goals, for adulthood will be our chance to shine even brighter than ever.
P.S: We can still eat Fruit Loops and watch Harry Potter at the age of 20++, right? ;)

Idektatablake production ® July 2016.

For those who lost in the fear of adulthood, I hope you look up one more time to those goals you have and how much step you’ve taken to reach them, And with that, I hope you remember how beautiful this life to waste for being scared. x

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